KCKPS District Address
The Kansas City, Kansas School Foundation for Excellence, Inc. (the Foundation) would like to formally invite you to be a part of our First Annual Kansas City, Kansas Public School District (KCKPSD) Address on October 27th, 2020 at 8:00 am.
Due to COVID-19, we will be holding this year's District Address virtually! Get your snacks ready and be a part of our annual Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools District Address from the comfort of your own home or office. This event is complete with appearances from Christal Watson, Executive Director of the Kansas City, Kansas School Foundation for Excellence and Dr. Alicia Miguel, Interim Superintendent for KCKPS.
Featuring a performance from Sumner Academy Virtual Choir, introductions of the KCKPS Board of Education and KCKS Foundation for Excellence members, KCKPS district goals/plans for the upcoming year, & more!
KCKPS District Address
The Kansas City, Kansas School Foundation for Excellence, Inc. (the Foundation) would like to formally invite you to be a part of our First Annual Kansas City, Kansas Public School District (KCKPSD) Address on October 27th, 2020 at 8:00 am.
Due to COVID-19, we will be holding this year's District Address virtually! Get your snacks ready and be a part of our annual Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools District Address from the comfort of your own home or office. This event is complete with appearances from Christal Watson, Executive Director of the Kansas City, Kansas School Foundation for Excellence and Dr. Alicia Miguel, Interim Superintendent for KCKPS.
Featuring a performance from Sumner Academy Virtual Choir, introductions of the KCKPS Board of Education and KCKS Foundation for Excellence members, KCKPS district goals/plans for the upcoming year, & more!