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Dr. Nefertari Denise Terrill-Jones

Alumni | Sumner Academy of Arts and Science, Class of 2008

Dr. Nefertari Terrill-Jones, or Neffiee as she is commonly known, is the youngest daughter of Robin and Phillip Jones. She was born and raised in Kansas City, KS, where she attended elementary, middle, and high school. While she was in high school at Sumner Academy of Arts and Science, Nefertari learned the ways in which she could impact the community around her. At Sumner, she was a member of the varsity volleyball and basketball team for 2+ years. She was also very active in forensics, debate, and took on the challenge of taking International Baccalaureate classes in English, Biology, Spanish, and Calculus, for which she received college credit. Nefertari was well liked amongst her peers, as she was voted Homecoming Queen her senior year. All was not in vain, as she graduated summa cum laude in the top 5% of her nationally ranked high school.

With her small town dreams in tow, Nefertari went on to pursue her undergraduate degree at the illustrious Howard University in Washington, DC. It was there that Nefertari was able to manifest her love for service and leadership. She participated in various organizations such as, AmeriCorps, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Golden Key International Honors Society, and the founding Vice-President of Recruitment for the DC Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity. Although she was very involved in social activities, Nefertari was sure to maintain the high standard of academic excellence that preceded her. Nefertari was a member of the College of Arts and Sciences Honors program at Howard University, a researcher in the Biophysics lab, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree magna cum laude in 2012. Upon graduation from Howard, Nefertari then continued on at another big city that wasn’t originally in her plans, the beloved Nashville, TN.

Meharry Medical College brought Nefertari to Nashville, and it was by far one of the best decisions she ever made. She entered the M.S.P.H. program and learned what it meant to “serve the underserved.” Not a stranger to leadership, she continued to dedicate her time outside of her studies by working with multiple executive boards, including serving as First Year Liaison, and then President of the Division of Public Health Practice Student Association, and the School of Graduate Studies and Research Member-at-Large for the Pre-Alumni Association. Staying true to her ways, Nefertari completed her M.S.P.H. degree with a 4.0 GPA, a Health Policy Certificate from the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Scholars Program, and managed to serve internationally as a member of the South Africa Meharry Externship Care Team. This group of medical and graduate students participated in mission work in Missionvale, and provided free healthcare to a community that was in need.  Upon her return from South Africa, Nefertari joined the class of 2018 in the School of Medicine at Meharry. She honed in on her activities and dedicated her time to the Saburo Hara Pediatric Society and the Pre-Alumni Association, where she served as Vice-President and Treasurer respectively. Upon graduating from Meharry Medical College, School of Medicine, Neffiee returned home to her beloved Kansas City to complete her pediatrics residency at the Children’s Mercy Hospital. 

During residency, Neffiee had the opportunity to serve as the Resident Member of the Review Committee for Pediatrics for the Association Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). As the governing body of medical training programs, the ACGME helped to advance medical training. Being able to serve as a member of this committee provided her with great insight on what it means to make decisions that will affect a large number of individuals, while also being able to serve as representation as a young, Black woman in medicine. Her desire to help those in need progressed as she embarked on a new journey in Washington, DC, as she furthered her training to become a neonatologist at the Children’s National Hospital. As a neonatology fellow, Neffiee learned how to care for premature and critically ill infants, a population that is near and dear to her, as she was once a premature infant. While in Washington, DC, Neffiee participated in research focused on ensuring effective communication from staff and families surrounding race, health disparities, and implicit bias. She had the opportunity to present her research at multiple conferences throughout her training period. Following completion of neonatology fellowship, Dr. Nefertari Terrill-Jones relocated to Houston, TX, where she currently practices as a neonatologist.

In her spare time, Neffiee enjoys attending church, travelling, spending time with her friends and family, and servicing her community as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. When times become difficult, Neffiee always remembers her favorite scripture that has encouraged her throughout her life, Psalms 23:14 “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

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